Chamber Business Expo names "Small Business Employer of the Year"
Samuel Garcia State Farm Insurance, March 23, 2016
Abilene Chamber Business Expo Main Event, March 23, 2016
1st Lt. Keith Wells was awarded the Navy Cross for
his bravery during the battle of Iwo Jima in 1945. He was wounded
Feb. 12, 1945 and two days later his 3rd platoon of Company E, 2nd
Battalion, 28th Marines, helped to raise the first flag atop Mount
Suribachi. He passed away Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016, in Wheatridge,
I am honored to have known him as a friend and send our
condolences to the Wells family.
Photo: WWII Marine veteran Keith Wells (r) and
Vietnam Marine veteran Mike Hernandez in
TET Reunion, Taylor Co. Display
Building, Feb. 6, 2016
WWII U.S. Marine Silver Star recipient Cpl. Duey C. Thompson at TET
(Copyright, Arroyo Catclaw Digital)
Abilene Chamber Business Mercado 2014, 10-11-14
Abilene Chamber Business Mercado Eve, Abilene Civic Center,
Diez y Sies de Septiembre 2014 Celebration, Sears Park
H&R Block 16 de Septiembre, 9-12-14
Abilene, TX
Dyess Hispanic Heritage "Fiesta In The Park", Aug. 23, 2014
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Los Delta Boyz |
Thoze Guyz |
Luck Joe |
Los Chachos |
HOG Street Rally, Downtown Abilene, May 15, 2014
Western Heritage Classic Parade, Downtown Abilene, 5-8-14
Cinco de Mayo, Disabilities In Acton, May 5, 2014
May 5, 2014
Cinco de Mayo Observance, Disabilities In Action 2014
Arroyo Catclaw Digital
Abilene High AFJrROTC banquet, May 2, 2014
Business Expo, Hispanic Business Committee Luncheon, 3-26-14
Business Expo, Abilene Civic Center, 3-26-14
WTU & KTXS City Lights Parade, Downtown Abilene, Dec. 3, 2013
Sears Park Annual Thanksgiving Dinner, Sears Park, Nov. 14, 2013
Veteran's Day WWII medals presentation to Loza family from U.S.
Randy Neugebauer, Nov. 11th, Abilene T&P Depot.
Frank Loza, Jr. accepts his father's
WWII medals from U.S. Rep. Randy Neugebauer.
(Arroyo Catclaw Digital photo)
Veteran's Day Parade, Downtown Abilene, Saturday Nov. 9th
Business Mercado, Abilene Civic Center, Oct.12, 2013
Business Mercado Eve, Abilene Civic Center, Oct. 11, 2013
Diez y Seis de Septiembre celebration at H&R Block, Sept. 13, 2013
Communities in Schools Stuff the Bus at HEB, South 14th and Barrow,
Small Business Administration honors Samuel Garcia State Farm,
June 11, 2013
SBA Calvin Davis presents award to Samuel
Garcia's children Andrew and Kati Garcia.
(Arroyo Catclaw Digital photo)
Memorial Day @ Texas State Veterans Cemetery, 5-27-13
Mother's Day @ St. Vincent, 5-12-13
Abilene High AFJROTC Awards ceremony @ VFW Hall, 5-10-13
Cinco de Mayo @ St. Vincent 5-5-13
Cinco de Mayo @ St. Vincent, 5-4-13
Cinco de Mayo @ Cooper High School, 5-3-13
Cinco de Mayo @ Disabilities in Action, 5-2-13
May 2, 2013
Cinco de Mayo Observance, Disabilities In Action 2013
Grand Opening, Taylor County Vet Center, 4-24-2013
Community Foundation of Abilene Grants and Awards, April 16,
Hispanic Business Luncheon, April 16, 2013
Hispanic Business Luncheon @ Business Expo, Mar 27th
Abilene Chamber Business Expo 2013, Abilene Civic Center, March
Frontier Texas! Blood & Treasure exhibit reception, March 1,
TET Reunion, Taylor County Display Bldg, Feb. 2, 2013
West Texas Rehab 2013, Abilene Civic Center, Jan 19, 2013
Copyright Arroyo Catclaw Digital
Veterans Day Parade, Downtown Abilene, Nov.10, 2012
Happy 237th Birthday Marines, Semper Fi!
West Texas Rehabilitation Center, Nov. 9.
Sears Park Neighborhood Thanksgiving Dinner, Nov. 8, 2012
MSgt. Lonnie Martinez from Dyess AFB helps
to serve Thanksgiving dinner to Sears Park neighborhood
Center for Contemporary Arts "Dia de los Muertos" 11-2-12
Abilene Chamber Hispanic Business Mercado, Abilene Civic Center,
Hispanic Business Council Mercado Eve, Abilene Civic Center,
Connecting Caring Communities, Former Valley View School 10-6-12
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