Postcard: Early Grace Hotel. Built in 1909 with three stories, later
added fourth story in 1920s. Publ. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee. Postmarked
Feb. 5, 1910.
New! Page 2 Early Abilene
Abilene, Texas: Collection of early Maps, Postcards, photos, etc.
Visit Early Taylor County Residents: Our Homes Camp Barkeley
Abilene Army Air Field
Map: Texas & Pacific Hotel & Dinning Depot,
Abilene, Texas 1885-Sanborn
Photograph: Texas & Pacific Hotel & Eating Train Depot. Two story
bldg., Abilene, Texas 1884.
Map drawing: Birds eye view of T&P Hotel & Passenger Train Depot,
Abilene, TX, 1883. Drawn by Augustus Koch.
Photograph: Abilene 1884.
Unknown publ.
Photograph: Abilene 1884. Business identified. John R. Bell Co. Unknown
1880s Art Print, Abilene, Texas. Texas and Pacific Ry. Publ. by Woodward
and Tiernan, St. Louis.
Map: Abilene, Texas 1885
Pine St. & Walnut St.
Sanborn Map
Photo: Abilene, Texas looking north on Pine St.
Back of photo: Abilene, Texas 1882. No. 001
Photograph: 1908 Abilene County Courthouse.
Photographer: T.F. Jones, Box 645, Abilene, Tex.
Postcard: Abilene Federal Building/Post Office, Abilene Texas 1905.
Publ. McLemore Bass Drug Co. Postmarked: 12-21-1908.
Postcard: Abilene, Texas 1890s. Publ. by McLemore- Bass Drug Co..
Postmark: 10/2/1909. No. 003
Postcard: Old time Roundup, in Abilene, Taylor Co., Texas. Publ. Mrs.
L.H. Bradfield. Postmarked. Dec. 13, 1906.
Postcard: Waiting to be weighed, Abilene, Texas. Publ. B. Langsdorf &
Co., New York. Postmark Feb. 25, 1907.
Postcard: Abilene, Texas, Pine St. looking south,1909.
Publ. unknown. Postmark Nov. 26, 1909.
Abilene, Texas, Pine Street. Publ. Unknown. Not Postmark.
Postcard: Abilene, Texas Pine Street looking south. Publ. unknown.
Postmark 7/31/1917. No. 008
Postcard: Abilene, Texas, Cypress Street. Publ. by Lester Ellis Drug Co.
Dated 4/30/1927. No Postmark. No. 009
Postcard: North 1st and Pine looking north 1900s. Citizens National Bank
and Stith & Co Land Agts on right. Postmark 2/8/1910. Publ. not
Postcard: J.M. Radford Grocery Co., Abilene, Texas, Photo by T.F Jones.
Postmark 10/2/1912.
Postcard: Abilene, TX, Pine Street, South from Third. Postmarked
Postcard: Alexander Sanitarium, Abilene, Texas. Early touring cars. Publ. SL & Co. Printed in
Germany. Not postmarked.
Postcard: Hollis Sanitarium, Abilene, Texas. Publ. unknown. Postmarked
North Ward School, North 8th and Orange, Abilene, TX, constructed in
1902. Was replaced by Lamar Elementary in 1921. Not postmarked
Postcard: Central Ward School, Abilene, TX. Built as first high school
in 1889 at South 1st & Peach St., demolished in 1923. Publ. SL & Co.
Printed In Germany. Postmarked 7-3-1908.
Postcard: Alexander Sanitarium,
Abilene, Texas. Personnel in front
of sanitarium with horse drawn ambulance.
Publ. Abilene Printing Co., Abilene Publishing. Postmarked 10/3/1910.
Postcard: New Texas & Pacific RR depot, Abilene, TX. Built in 1910.
Publ. C.T. American Art. Not postmarked.
Postcard: July 31, 1911 Abilene, Texas flood, storm. Along "shoreline"
(Identifiable l-r) T&P RR depot, Grace Hotel, restaurant business and
Tom Moore. Photo by T.F. Jones. Postmarked Feb. 24, 1913.
Postcard: 2nd Abilene High School , erected in 1909, burned in 1923,
rebuilt in 1924 as Central Ward. Publ. by C.T. American Art. Not
Postcard: 1910 Simmons College. Publ. by Mrs. L.B. Bradfield. Postmarked
January 22, 1910.
Postcard: South 1st, Abilene 1908. Publ. Mrs. L.H. Bradfield. Postmarked
Feb. 16, 1908.
Postcard: Simmons University campus 1921, Abilene, Texas. David S.
Castle, architect. Not postmarked.
Postcard: Pine Street 1914 looking north,
Abilene, TX. Publ. Published exclusively
for Duke, Ayers Nichols Stores.
Postmarked May 26, 1914.
Postcard: New T&P Depot built in 1910. Baggage building on left, part of first
depot complex. Grace Hotel on right across the street. Publ. E.C. Kropp,
Milwaukee. Not postmarked.
Postcard: Old and present Federal Building.
Original, on right, was built in 1901 and present, on left, was built in
1935. Unknown publ.
Postcard: West Texas Baptist Sanitarium. Publ. unknown. Postmarked May
Postcard: Street trolley tracks down Pine Street looking south. Publ.
C.T. American Art. Not Postmarked.
Postcard: Abilene North 1st, circa 1915. Publ. Lester Ellis Drug Store.
Not postmarked.
Photo: Texas & Pacific announcing sale of Abilene town
lots, March 15, 1881. ARN 4-8-1956
Photograph: Texas & Pacific train, Abilene, Texas, 1939. Photographer
Preston George, Kaw, Okla.
Cabinet Photograph: Back of card Chapman & Ralph, North Side Gallery,
North 2nd Street, Abilene, Texas.
Cabinet Photograph: Miller Bros Studio, Abilene, Texas
Cabinet Photograph:
Vickers Studio, Abilene, Texas.
Cabinet Photoraph: T.S. Higginbotham Studio, Abilene, Texas.
Cabinet Photograph: Miller Bros.
Abilene, Texas. Dated in back 1886
Cabinet Photograph: Kavanaugh & Duffield, Abilene, Texas.
Cabinet Photograph:
T.S. Higginbotham Studio, Abilene Texas.
Cabinet Photograph: Ackerts Studio, Abilene, Texas. 1880-90s Family Portrait.
Cabinet Photograph:
Chapman Studio, Abilene, Texas
Cabinet Photograph: Miller Bros. Art Studios, Abilene, Texas
Cabinet Photograph
Chambers Studio, Abilene, Texas
Cabinet Photograph:
Doman Studio, Abilene, Texas
Cabinet Photograph:
T.S. Higginbotham Baby Grand
Studio, Abilene, Texas 1922
Cabinet Photograph:
G.E. Ward Studio, Abilene, Texas
Post Card: Early 1912 Abilene group picture. Postmarked 1/23/1912.
Unknown publisher.
Photograph: 1910 Class of Nurses, Alexander Sanitarium Sixth and Seventh
Annual Report. Unknown publ.
Cabinet Photograph: Unknown studio (damaged). Abilene, Tex.
Postcard: Abilene Auto Racing, Fair Park, 1920s. Unknown Publ. Undated
Postcard: Chestnut Street, Abilene, Texas. Postmarked April 25, 1914. Publ.
J.D. Magee, Abilene
Fair Park Auditorium Show Poster 1930s, Abilene, Texas
Wooten Hotel Dance Poster 1930s, Abiene, Texas
Advertising Card: Cowboy Band, Simmons University, circa 1926.
Photograph: Abilene High School 1931 State Champions. Coaches/Players
Id'd on back of photo by last name. Unknown publisher.
Postcard: Early Abilene Construction Crew. Not Post marked.
Unknown Publ.
Post Card: 1910 Pine Street looking south from North 3rd. Not Post
Marked. Publ. by T.F. Jones
1913 Abilene, Texas calendar advertisment. Cash Grocery Co. C.L.
Giddens, Manager.
Cabinet Photograph: 1902 School Class in Abilene, Texas (Id'd in back).
Roddens Studio.
Post Card: Circa 1910, North 1st. Street. Abilene, Texas.
Publ. Unknown. Not Post Marked.
Abilene & Northern, Wichita Valley and Abilene & Southern Railroad Train Depots. Burlington Route Railroad Station, Abilene, Texas.
Abilene & Southern
Railroad, Engine #20. Photo from photo negative |
![]() Photo: Abilene Southern Railroad (ASRR), Engine #10. Photo from photo negative. |
![]() Photo: Abilene & Southern RR, No. 20. Publ. American Locomotive Company, New York. |
![]() Wichita Valley train ticket. Abilene to Weatherford via T&P. |
![]() Photograph: Texas & Pacific train downtown Abilene, Texas, January 22, 1964. Unknown photographer. |
Abilene Traction Company
Abilene, Texas, 1940s-50s
![]() Post Card: Abilene High School 1940s. Unknown publ. Not postmarked. |
![]() Post Card: 1940s Abilene, Texas. Not postmarked. Unkn publ. |